
Dear customers and suppliers,

Relux Informatik AG complies with the current rules of conduct of the Swiss Confederation. We all adhere to the distance rules and wear masks if these cannot be observed. In addition, we use our virus disinfection devices at meetings and air the rooms regularly.

Due to the new rules for restaurants, etc. that come into force on Monday 13 September, we feel the need to provide clarity for our own facilities:

We warmly welcome all employees, customers and suppliers to Münchenstein according to the 4G principle.

Neither an identity card nor any other document relating to Covid is required. Persons showing symptoms or who have been in contact with an infected person are asked to comply with the federal requirements and to be tested. Until a negative test result is obtained,we ask that the prescribed quarantine be observed.

As long as no other legal rules are established that prohibit such contact, this regulation applies.

Management, 13.9.2021