
RELUX – the first to correctly combine REVIT & light!


Dear Relux Users, 

We are delighted to be able to present the first native interface between Revit and the lighting planning program ReluxDesktop for the lighting industry. With this native interface, all the data is sent from Revit to ReluxDesktop and back again without any loss of information. This closed-loop process permits time-saving planning in accordance with BIM. Try out the test version for 30 days and see for yourself! 

Your Relux Team 

Relux CAD for Revit 2018.2 

The current version offers you a powerful interface to ReluxDesktop. Export individual rooms, storeys and entire buildings including outdoor projects into ReluxDesktop in order to conduct detailed and professional lighting and sensor planning. Once you have positioned the products, you can then import them into your Revit model again. 

The latest version of ReluxCAD for Revit is available to download here

Important: you must install ReluxDesktop Version 2018.2 in order to use the interface. 

The following tutorial (as of minute 4:50) provides you with information on this interface and on the functions contained in ReluxCAD.


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